Welcome to our gallery of the worlds best looking tuxedo & black and white cats*, if your cat has made it onto here then he or she is a certified good looker!
Most of these have been user submitted via our Facebook page and of course our gallery also includes a picture of our resident tuxedo cat; Whisky.
Click any of the images to view a bigger version, you can then scroll through all of the images using the arrows and read a little bit about them.
*some cats submitted are not tuxedo cats however we added them nonetheless because a good-looking cat is a good-looking cat!
Cat Photography Tip:
If your cat is both incredibly cute and incredibly camera shy then it could be worth having a look at some of our cat camera reviews.
A cat camera will allow you to capture a great picture of your pet from your mobile phone while they are completely unaware of your presence!
Great pics hope to send pic of cat 11 years old
Hi. I found your descriptions of Tuxies very amusing. We have had Cookie, a shelter cat that was previously with a family, for almost 6 years. She was 4 when we got her. She shows only ONE of the characteistics you listed: coming to the door when the 1st human comes home…….sometimes. She is an extremely quiet lump, giving a quick, soft Meow only for her breakfast, isn’t active at all, doesn’t play, and isn’t particularly affectionate. AND she is not a mouser. We had a mouse problem in our basement, and a few wandered upstairs and walked right past her. She did nothing However, she will drop, belly up, at any given moment, and give you an hour to stop rubbing her belly. She also LOVES to be brushed, and between Mom and Dad, gets brushed at least 4 times daily. No stray hairs in our house! She may not be a typical Tuxie, but we love her anyway!
Dear All.
I have a siamese cat Named Alice. A stray who fell off a neighbours roof. The fall warrants the name Alice. However she might also classed as tuxedo. Can I, sent her picture.?
Warm regards
Hi Supparod, certainly, send us a message either through out contact form or our facebook page and we will sort it out. Thanks!
Hello my name is BUGG I just found out I am a tuxedo cat my people say I am beautiful may I please join your gallery. thank you very much
Hi Sean,
thanks for visiting us, please contact us through the contact form on the site and we will be able to add a picture of your cat to the website if you wish,
Thank you so much for adding my 2 cats (kitti and obi) to your gallery, all the cats on there are gorgeous so it must have been a tough choice for you. Thank you again x
Our pleasure Sabina, thanks for sharing your pictures with us