can cats eat prawns

Can Cats Eat Prawns? Are They Beneficial?

Yes, cats can eat prawns as part of a well-balanced diet.

Though be aware that feeding your cat just seafood can lead to deficiencies and health problems. Prawns should only be included in moderation as part of a balanced diet

Are Prawns Healthy for Cats?

Prawns are a healthy addition to your cat’s diet.

However, they can’t be the only thing you feed your cat.

As part of a well-balanced diet, they can be a healthy addition and will help cover the quota for several nutrients that your pet needs to stay healthy.

lots and lots of prawns

You might even see prawns listed in the ingredients of your cat’s favorite food or treats.

If you have never given your cat a prawn, you might find that it becomes a delicious option with which you can supplement their diet. 

What Nutrients do Prawns Contain?

When you give your cat any food, it’s a good idea to understand what vitamins and minerals it contains.

This enables you to make sure your cat is getting adequate amounts of important nutrients, but also ensures that you aren’t overdoing it on those that can be toxic in large amounts. 

Below is a list of some of the great nutrients and benefits of prawns:

  • One of the best reasons to offer your cat prawns is because they are low in fat, but high in quality protein. That means they can help control calorie intake, but also provide a nutrient that is vital for good health.
prawns about to be eaten by a cat
  • Prawns are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy kind of fat that contributes to good skin and fur health, a healthy heart and more. 
  • Prawns are also a great source of antioxidants, which are nutrients that counterbalance free radical damage in the body, thereby reducing the risk of several health conditions, including many kinds of cancer.
  • Vitamin A is an important nutrient that can be found in prawns. Your cat needs vitamin A for proper nerve and muscle function and for healthy eyes and fur.
  • Vitamin E is also present in prawns and is necessary for antioxidant purposes, reducing the risk of many health problems, including cardiovascular issues, reproductive malfunctions, and vision problems. 
  • One of them is vitamin B1, which is important for carbohydrate metabolism, a function that supports many of your cat’s internal organs.
  • Prawns also contain vitamin B12, a nutrient that supports healthy brain function, the nervous system, and the immune system.
  • Finally, prawns are a good source of niacin, also known as vitamin B3. This nutrient is vital because a deficiency can lead to anorexia, dehydration, and ultimately death. 

Can Cats Be Allergic to Prawns?

You know that some humans have seafood allergies, and you might wonder if it’s something to be concerned about when it comes to your pet.

Cats can develop allergies to certain foods and prawns happen to be one of them.

Much like humans, if a cat ingests a food that they have an allergy to, they may develop a skin reaction, which is usually the first sign that something is going on. 

Ask a Vet

If you are concerned that your cat may be suffering from a prawn allergy we recommend you speak with a vet ASAP.

JustAnswer allows you to talk in real-time to veterinary experts for a small fee.

Other symptoms that your cat may be allergic to prawns include excess scratching of biting of the skin, hair loss, trouble breathing, swelling, and inflammation.

cat by the sea

These symptoms will generally start soon after prawns are eaten and if you see any evidence of an allergy, it’s important to call your cat’s veterinarian right away to diagnose and treat the problem.

If an allergy is discovered, your cat will need to avoid eating prawns going forward. 

How To Feed Prawns To Your Cat

Prawns aren’t generally a natural part of a cat’s diet, but they can be a healthy inclusion for your pet.

They shouldn’t be offered as a substitute for other foods your cat needs and should always be served in conjunction with other healthy cat foods.

Prawns should be offered only occasionally as a treat. You can also try giving your cat pre-made cat food that contains prawns. 

Unlike humans, cats can often safely eat raw prawns without the same concerns about food poisoning.

cat eating

In fact, your cat may prefer to eat the prawns raw, rather than cooked as it emulates what they may eat in the wild. 

However, many experts caution against feeding raw prawns to your cat, simply for peace of mind when it comes to parasites and bacteria that could make your cat sick.

Cooking the prawns eliminates this concern. You should never give your cats prawns that have been cooked in tomatoes, salt, onions, or garlic, all of which can be harmful to cats.

You should also remove the intestinal tract and the shell from the prawns so they are easier to eat. 

When Shouldn’t You Feed Prawns To Your Cat?

Most cats will love having prawns now and then and will benefit nutritionally from them.

There are some cases, however, when feeding cats prawns can be harmful.

If your cat suffers from renal failure, allergies, heart problems, trouble urinating, or other health conditions, talk to your cat’s veterinarian before making prawns part of their regular diet. 


So can cats eat prawns…? Yes – provided you are doing so as part of a healthy diet and that they are served with a variety of other healthy cat foods.

They should be seen as a treat, not a regular meal.

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