bone broth for cats

Bone Broth for Cats: Top Meal Supplements, Benefits & More

Bone broth is a great addition to your cat’s diet.

It is rich in a wide range of micronutrients and amino acids that can’t be found in other sources, it also contains collagen which is anti-inflammatory and great for your cat’s joints it is also rich in glycine, which is an amino acid that’s essential for liver health.

So if you want to give your cat a delicious healthy treat then bone broth (in moderation) is a great option.

3 Best Bone Broths for Cats Reviewed

Below are three of the best bone broth products available for feline consumption:

1. AniForte Ground Beef Bones Meal Supplement

This is perhaps one of the rarest finds online since if you didn’t know, there aren’t that many commercial pet bone broths out there.

So that means that it contains safe and quality ingredients and that you don’t have to worry about your cat being exposed to salt, ginger root powder, or onion or garlic powder.

Furthermore, the AniForte alternative contains enough calcium to support a growing kitten’s osteo-skeletal system. 

While rickets might be less common in cats than it is in dogs, cats can still develop a form of it if they don’t get the right nutrition. 

The product is available in the form of a powder, so you can sprinkle it on top of your cat’s wet food, mix it with a pouch or with her drinking water. 

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We do have to note that since this is a pet-only product, it is not made for human consumption. 

2. Euphoria Bliss Beef Bone Broth Powder

This is another good option that you might want to try, especially if you want to use the same product for yourself and your cat. 

The reason we’re noting this here is that while the Euphoria Bliss bone broth powder is primarily made for humans, it doesn’t contain any bad ingredients for pets.

So, while other products out there might contain garlic or onion powder, this one does not. 

Moreover, its composition is clean as it basically has just two ingredients — the beef broth powder and some sunflower lecithin as a binder.

If you are concerned about whether it’s good for cats to have lecithin, we’ll put your mind at ease by telling you that it has multiple benefits.

For example, it stimulates memory and learning, making it great for geriatric cats. It also prevents cell oxidation, so it slows down ageing.

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Finally, it’s also worth adding that this product is grain-free, dairy-free, soy-free, and it contains no allergens, preservatives, or any other nasty chemicals. 

3. Jarrow Formulas Beyond Bone Broth Beef

This powdered drink mix should be used on cats only on occasion since it does contain a series of ingredients that aren’t the best for our feline buddies. 

However, it is rich in some ingredients that make it recommendable for pets, such as calcium, protein, or chondroitin sulfate, which is known to improve flexibility and the symptoms of arthritis in senior pets. 

It’s also a good thing that it does not contain traces of wheat, soy, dairy, peanuts or any other types of nuts, as well as egg. 

But on the other hand, it does contain ginger root powder, onion powder, and black pepper, which means that it shouldn’t be used too frequently. 

Additionally, since this product is primarily made for people, you also have to calculate the right dosage yourself. 

For instance, if an adult with an average body weight should consume one scoop (18g) per day, simply calculate what the right dosage for your cat’s body weight might be. 

If a person weighs 170 pounds, that means that the dosage would be 0.1 grams per pound of body weight. 

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If your cat’s weight is 11 pounds, she should have no more than 0.5 grams and only on occasion. 

Is bone broth safe for cats?

The short answer to this question is yes. 

However, the safest bone broth that you can give your pet is the one you make at home simply because you have complete control over what you add to it. 

Avoid adding onion, garlic, or other condiments and seasonings to your bone broth if you intend to share it with your feline companion. 

bone broth

You can always save a part of it and freeze it to use only for your cat and season the rest as per your personal preferences. 

Some bone broths are better than others, but we will discuss that in a section below. 

In general, cats love it so much that they tend to overconsume it. And while this might not be so good for pets that are at risk of becoming overweight, it’s great for those that have to put on a pound or two. 

Also, bone broth allows cats to hydrate properly — especially since they’re known for not being crazy about drinking a lot of water. 

So, to some extent, giving your cat bone broth almost every day can prevent urinary tract problems such as lithiasis or even infections.

How much bone broth should I give my cat?

It’s generally acknowledged that all pets whose weight is under 20 pounds should receive about 1 oz of bone broth every day. 

Since most cats’ weight is below 20 pounds anyway, .5 to 1 oz of bone broth can be given safely to our feline buddies and without any risks. 

how much bone broth to give cat

While we’re at it, we’d like to note that even if you get the dosage wrong and give your cat a bit too much bone broth on one occasion, it’s quite likely that she isn’t going to experience serious side effects.

Since some types of bone broth can be quite rich in fat, the only problem that large amounts of them could cause would be digestive distress. 

The fat usually acts as a lubricant, making cats’ stools loose. They could experience a bout of diarrhoea, but more often than not, it will resolve on its own. 

What does bone broth do for cats? Bone broth benefits

If you have ever been sick before, you’ve probably heard someone tell you to eat chicken broth as it will make you feel better. 

Well, there haven’t been enough studies performed on the anti-inflammatory effects of chicken broth on people suffering from a cold, but the truth is that it does seem to work. 

And while it might be challenging to give bone broth to a cat that has developed an upper respiratory tract infection (simply because she might not want to drink anything at all), it would definitely do her good. 

Here are some benefits that your pet is likely to experience if you begin giving her bone broth at least every once in a while. 

1. Hydration

This one is at the top of the list given that, as we have previously mentioned, cats aren’t as keen on drinking water on their own — at least, not as keen as other species are. 

This behaviour makes them prone to developing a variety of health conditions, mostly relating to the urinary tract and kidneys. 

But in a cat’s body (or any other animal’s body, for that matter), water is an essential ingredient. 

cat getting hydrated

Up to seventy per cent of a cat’s body is made of water, no matter how much some of our feline friends seem to loathe it. 

While plain water might not be that interesting to cats, bone broth is as it has a certain richness and depth, and it also contains a bit of fat, which automatically appeals to them.

In other words, giving your cat bone broth can ensure that she is well-hydrated and at a lower risk of developing certain diseases. 

2. Nutrition

Cats are obligate carnivores, so they thrive on a diet mostly composed of protein. 

But there are some ingredients in bone broth (especially beef bone broth) that can’t be found in meat or commercial pet food varieties. 

Bone broth is rich in a wide range of micronutrients and amino acids that can’t be found in other sources. 

Given the amount of cooking time that bone broth calls for, it goes without saying that the liquid ends up containing everything that the bones can offer, from collagen to conjugated linoleic acid (commonly found in marrow) and glycine.

On top of that, cats that have a hard time feeding due to tooth extractions or other oral health issues have to be fed a liquid diet, and bone broth can be a part of it.

3. Digestion

There are two reasons why bone broth is great for cats when it comes to their digestion. 

On the one hand, since it has a little fat in it, it can help a constipated cat ‘go to the bathroom’. 

This is a common issue in geriatric cats, in particular, so giving your feline friend bone broth can prevent it in part.

Another reason is that collagen contains an amino acid that improves pets’ intestinal lining, which lowers the chances of a leaky gut and also improves the way the nutrients from the food you give your cat are absorbed into her system. 

4. Joint health

Collagen consumption provides the most benefits for joints, so if you want your cat to remain as flexible and pain-free for as long as possible, you can prevent certain inflammatory diseases by giving her bone broth. 


While bone broth is not a magic cure for arthritis and other joint injuries, it can at least alleviate some of the clinical signs associated with these medical problems. 

Just to give you an idea of how important collagen can be, we’ll tell you that it is the ‘binder’ in tissues such as bones, muscles, as well as connective tissues like ligaments. 

5. Liver detoxification

Bone broth is rich in glycine, which is an amino acid that’s essential for liver health. 

In its presence, the liver not only works properly, but it also does an excellent job of clearing out the toxins that might be present in your cat’s water or food. 

Glycine is said to be so powerful that it might even protect your cat against pest treatment exposure, especially if she didn’t come in contact with a lot of it. 

6. Immune system

This is a benefit closely related to the digestion one that we’ve mentioned above, in that bone broth seals openings in the gut.

An intact gut is synonymous with a cat that has a strong and healthy immune system.

By contrast, a leaky gut can eventually lead to a weakened immune response in case your pet gets sick. 

What kind of bone broth is best for cats?

Beef and lamb bone broths are better than their chicken counterpart.

These two contain more collagen, but they also contain more marrow, so they are both more nutritious compared to chicken bone broth. 

Pork bone broth is also rich in collagen and nutritious, but in some cases, it can be too fat. 

Commercial vs homemade bone broths for pets

If you do not want to spend hours waiting for your bone broth to be ready, you can get a commercial variety. 

However, if you go down this route, we suggest that you do a bit of research and find out as much as you can about that product’s ingredients. 

Some bone broths, especially those made for people, can contain potentially dangerous ingredients for pets. 

In that case, you’d have to give your cat an even lower amount than the one recommended on the label or just steer clear of that brand altogether, especially if it contains a lot of sodium. 

Homemade bone broths are always the best that you can give your feline companion, although it is true that they take several good hours to be ready. 

Besides, they’re very cheap to make, too. 

If you’ve bought a whole chicken, you can just debone it and use the bones for making broth — you do not need anything other than patience besides this ingredient. 

How to prepare bone broth for cats at home

Pet bone broth can be conveniently made at home, without any expensive ingredients or too much effort on your behalf. 

The downside is that it takes a lot of time to prepare a good bone broth since you need to make sure that all the collagen, minerals, and amino acids are extracted from the bones.

If you make it out of chicken, you probably don’t have to boil it for more than 4-5 hours. 

But if you make it out of beef, especially thick bones, you should aim for a cooking time of 24 hours. 

A slow cooker is best for the task as you do not want to be supervising a pot on the stove for all this time. 

Some people use apple cider vinegar or lemon juice besides the bones as an ingredient, as they are acidic and are said to extract the nutrients from the bones faster. 

But remember, cats aren’t huge fans of potent smells, and they don’t particularly love citrus fruits like oranges & lemons or things like vinegar, for that matter. 

So, our advice to you would be to take it slow and avoid adding any other ingredients. 

The bones

Raw and cooked bones are just as good. If you made roast chicken last night, you can just remove the bones and boil them separately. 

bone in broth

Raw bones might contain more nutrients, however.

Just to be on the safe side of things, it would be best for you to get free-range and grass-fed (with bones) carcasses. 

What to do after you’re done cooking it

If you’ve ever made bone broth before, you probably know that there’s some kind of foam that tends to stick to the sides of the pot and that the bones eliminate while being cooked. 

After you finish preparing the broth, you should do your best at straining it, keeping in mind that the result is not going to be perfectly clear. 

You shouldn’t be worried if you notice that the broth is jelly-like — that’s just the collagen that came out of the bones. 

Storing the cat bone broth

You can keep the bone broth in the freezer by pouring it into ice cube containers. This method works best as you will not have to thaw a large amount at the same time. 

Starting slow 

Bone broth is extremely nutritious and beneficial for any cat’s health.

Nevertheless, not all cats respond as well to changes in their diets. For this reason, we suggest starting with the smallest amount possible. 

If that means giving your cat just half a teaspoon of bone broth on the first day, that’s perfectly fine. 

Collagen-rich foods can cause loose stools at first, but they shouldn’t cause diarrhoea. 


Bone broth is amazing to give to your cat as it is rich in a number of amino acids and collagen. 

Homemade bone broth is the best, although these days, there are commercial varieties available in the form of powders or pastes. 

If you cook bone broth for your cat, make sure to use only clean and well-sourced ingredients and avoid adding any seasonings or condiments. 

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