Cats are very expressive animals, they have no problem making their feelings known both to humans and other felines.
However it is important to note though that every cat is different so different cats will communicate things in slightly different ways, understanding the nuances of the ways in which your cat communicates is crucial to developing a strong bond with your feline friend.
Having said that every cat will communicate how they feel, what they want and more using a mixture of scent, sound and body language:
Communication via Scent
Scent is the most important form of communication that cats rely on. Cats produce a unique scent using glands in their mouth.
When a cat washes itself it spreads that unique smell across it’s entire body, so by rubbing itself on an object your cat can leave messages to other cats.
When kittens are first born they are completely blind and rely fully on scent to communicate and navigate.
Kittens will leave their scent on their mother so that they can work out where they need to come back to. Mother cats will also be able to distinguish each of their kittens, even if they are all physically identical, by their smell.
Cats will often exchange scents with each other via rubbing their heads together or bumping noses, cats rubbing their heads together will be good friends as this is a sign that they trust each other.
Likewise if your cat tries to rub it’s head on you this indicates that your cat thinks fondly of you and therefore wishes to share its scent with you.
Cats can clearly identify each other through smell and also use a nose bump as an opportunity to share their own scent.
Cats may also rub their body on physical objects in their territory too and they will also leave urine samples to mark their territory.
These smells can then be read by other cats who will be able to interpret the scent to work out a cat’s sex, size and reproductive status.
Top Tip: If you really want to learn what your cat is saying and how to communicate effectively with your cat then we recommend checking out Jonas Jurgella’s Cat Language Bible.
Audible Communication
Any cat owner will tell you that cats can be very vocal, a cat will commonly use it’s voice to communicate with it’s owner when it feels it’s needs and desires require immediate attention.
It is very interesting to note that a typical cat meow is only used by kittens to communicate with their mother when they want attention from her.
When cats grow up they no longer communicate with other cats be mowing at them. They do however continue to meow at humans throughout their life.
This is because they quickly find out that by meowing they can get their human to provide them with what they want in much the same way that their mother would provide a drink or warmth when they meowed at her when they were kittens.
A cats purr usually signifies that he is happy and content however this is not always the case, cats will purr when they are ill, or have recently experienced some sort of trauma.
It is not known exactly how a cat purrs however it is believed to be caused by air vibration in the throat as air is breathed in and out.
Hissing and spitting are clear signs of aggression which a cat may show if it feels under threat, is being bullyed by another cat or if it is trapped and has no easy way out.
Hissing and spitting is often displayed along with raised hackles and an arched back, the purpose of this is to intimidate any potential threat (such as a fox) into backing off for fear of an attack.
Cat trilling is a high-pitched hum that sounds like it vibrates from the back of the cat’s throat. In some cases the trilling sound may make your cat sound a bit like a pigeon.
Trilling sounds like a mix between a meow and a purr.
A good way of mimicking a trill is by making a high-pitched sound while rolling your r’s. Trilling is usually a sign of a happy cat, it can be used as a greeting or to express friendliness. A cat may also trill if they want attention from you.
You may have witnessed your cat chattering if it spots a bird through a window, chattering is typically seen when a cat is looking at potential prey, it is a sign of excitement.
Cat Body Language Communication
Whisky showing friendly body language
A cats body language can tell you an awful lot about what message the cat is communicating. Key areas to pay attention to when attempting to read a cats body language are the eyes, ears and tail (check out our chart for detailed information).
The body language of your cat ranges from rolling over on their back, this is an invitation to come and stroke them which is also used to lure a mate when they are in heat, to arched back which they may display when they feel under threat.
A few important physical cues to watch out for are:
Flattened ears may mean that your cat feels under threat.
Ears twisted around with the back of the ear visible on the front of the head indicates aggression.
Wide eyes and large pupils indicate attentiveness.
An open mouth with no visual teeth may indicate that your cat wishes to play.
A vertical tail indicates friendliness and that your act wants to say hello.
I didn’t know cats bump noses to greet so I guess I shouldn’t be concerned when my cats do this. Otherwise, I was familiar with their ‘language.’ I wish my cats would rub each other though.
Great post. As a former cat mom I definitely remember my cats doing all of these. My favorite to watch was the chattering as they look out the window. Always cracked me up.
I only have one cat. I didn’t realize that they don’t meow at each other. My cat is very mellow and easy going. I’m going to have to observe my mom’s cat a little closer to try and figure out what she is saying.
I loved this post! I am a lifelong cat person but I did learn some new things. I guess I never noticed that my cats only meow at me and not each other. What an obvious thing, but I never noticed. I’m going to tweet and pin this post!
I’ve always found it interesting that cats only meow at humans and not at each other! They are smart to have figured out that it works! Mine “talk” to me all the time! 🙂 Thanks for this informative post!
Likewise, while I was writing this I hypothesised that perhaps the reason for this is that they view their owner as a maternal figure who provides what they want as their mother did when they were kittens
Oh I can see some of our cats in a lot of these!!!
Our Sooty used to br SUCh a chatterer at birds, she would make is laugh with her noises. Now ours don’t do it so much but I have a Hisser (Dot Kitten) several purrerrs (is that a word?) and a whose houseful of chin rubbers!
I never knew until recently that cats didn’t meow to other cats. Truffle wags her tail when she’s happy!
There’s always one cat who breaks all the rules isn’t there!
Thanks for visiting.
I didn’t know cats bump noses to greet so I guess I shouldn’t be concerned when my cats do this. Otherwise, I was familiar with their ‘language.’ I wish my cats would rub each other though.
A lot of these things depend on the cat as I’m sure you know, some cats are far more readily affectionate than others.
Thanks for stopping by Sherri.
Great post. As a former cat mom I definitely remember my cats doing all of these. My favorite to watch was the chattering as they look out the window. Always cracked me up.
Our house cat spends half her waking hours looking through the window chattering at birds outside!
I only have one cat. I didn’t realize that they don’t meow at each other. My cat is very mellow and easy going. I’m going to have to observe my mom’s cat a little closer to try and figure out what she is saying.
Let us know how you get on, each cat has slightly different nuances and ways of communication to get used to
I loved this post! I am a lifelong cat person but I did learn some new things. I guess I never noticed that my cats only meow at me and not each other. What an obvious thing, but I never noticed. I’m going to tweet and pin this post!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing!
I’ve always found it interesting that cats only meow at humans and not at each other! They are smart to have figured out that it works! Mine “talk” to me all the time! 🙂 Thanks for this informative post!
Likewise, while I was writing this I hypothesised that perhaps the reason for this is that they view their owner as a maternal figure who provides what they want as their mother did when they were kittens
Oh I can see some of our cats in a lot of these!!!
Our Sooty used to br SUCh a chatterer at birds, she would make is laugh with her noises. Now ours don’t do it so much but I have a Hisser (Dot Kitten) several purrerrs (is that a word?) and a whose houseful of chin rubbers!
Sounds like you have a very full house!